Asociácia inštitúcií vzdelávania dospelých v SR

AIVD má 28 ročnú tradíciu v oblasti aktivít prispievajúcich k zvyšovaniu kvality vzdelávania dospelých na Slovensku. Naším poslaním je združovať inštitúcie zaoberajúce sa vzdelávaním dospelých a presadzovať ich spoločné záujmy, ciele a potreby. AIVD koncentruje profesionálne kapacity na riešenie koncepcií v oblasti ďalšieho vzdelávania a spolupracuje so štátnymi orgánmi a s ďalšími subjektmi pri príprave a zavádzaní legislatívnych a iných opatrení v tejto oblasti. AIVD je členom European Association for Education of Adults (EAEA).

Roundtable discussion on Adult Education 2019

24.10.2019 17:30 - Bratislava


The discussion is hosted by Lifelong Learning Division of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport (Ministry of Education), Association of Adult Education Institutions (AIVD) and Centre of Social and Psychological Science SAS (CSPS).

Key hosts of the round table discussion are 

John Paul Martin and Uwe Gartenschlaeger


The current and future challenges of economic and social development in Slovakia imply new and urgent learning needs that need to be accommodated at the policy level by new frameworks, programmes and instruments supporting access to and participation in relevant learning opportunities.

The need for lifelong learning and adult education support receives increasing attention also in connection with weak performance of Slovakia in lifelong learning participation ET2020 targets (4% participation in 2018, against 15% benchmark).

Provision of 21st century skills and qualification to adults, especially to youth, low skilled adults and other disadvantaged adults is of particular concern in Slovakia. Strengthened cooperation and coordination across key policy actors and sectors would allow for stronger synergies and improved effectiveness and efficiency of policy measures. Supporting more equity and efficiency in adult education is necessary condition for adults.


What are the key instruments that could be effective in supporting access to adult learning education and training opportunities in Slovakia?

What are relevant policy learning experiences and the generisable positive/negative outcomes relevant for Slovakia?

- Individual learning accounts

- Social enterprises

- ALMPs providing training

How can synergies across policies and sectors be improved?

Which skills need to be prioritised and how? 

This invite only event will be held in English.
